Thursday, 30 August 2012


Here are the most commonly posed questions, about the KS admin dashboard and assessment journey.

Q - What's the difference between a Sub-admin and a Full-admin?
A - Sub-admins can set up test sessions from a browser, using the 'Admin Test Setup Login' link, but not access the main KS dashboard. Full-admins can log in to the KS dashboard and use the browser test setup tools.

Q - How do I re-set or change my KS password?
A - All users can re-set their KS password at any time, by clicking the 'Forgot details' link on the KS dashboard login page, which takes you here. Enter your KS username and the system will email a new password.
KS admins can set their own password, by logging in to their KS dashboard and selecting the 'Change password' link. Copy the original password into the first field, then confirm your own password and save the changes.

Q - How do I add a new KS administrator to my account?
A - Go to the Accounts > Your Accounts page of the KS dashboard and click on the 'Administrators' tool (small people icon). From here you can add new Sub-admins or Full-admins, using the 'Add administrator' fields.

Q - I get an error message when I try to import my user list. Why is this?
A - First, make sure that you are using a .csv file format, not .xls or .xlsx. (See help notes on the Users > Upload User Data page for a link to a formatted .csv template). Also, make sure that you have 10 data columns in your .csv file.

Q - Do I need a new username and password for the KS Support Ticket System?
A - Not really. You can use the same login details as you use to log in to the main KS dashboard, or you can choose a different username and password to access the support ticket tools. Either will work OK.

Q - My invite mails are not getting through to users every time. Why not?
A - Sometimes KS invite mails are blocked by spam prevention software. If the KS mails are not in junk mail, then your corporate security might not be allowing the mails through. This happens from time to time. A combination of the following steps usually resolves the issue:
‘White flag’ the domain
‘White flag’ the domain
‘White flag’ mails from
That should allow the mails to work OK. However, if they are still getting blocked, there is one more thing to try. Our hosting company (1&1) sometimes uses a relay server in Germany, called
‘White flag’ the domain
That should sort everything out, from a corporate mails point of view.

Q - Some invite mails contain a username and password. Others do not. Why is this?
A - The KS system appends a username and password on invite mails for regular users (i.e. non-admins). If a user receives two or more test invites in close succession, the latter invite(s) will overwrite the password(s) from earlier mails. KS admins can set their own password, so the KS system does not include admin usernames and passwords on test invite mails.

Q - I can't log into my test session. A message refers me back to the system administrator. What's happening?
A - This could be a number of things. Check that the test invite doesn't have an expired date that has passed. Check that the test doesn't have one or more modules with '0' in the 'assigned questions' box (i.e. an empty module). Check that the original invite hasn't been deleted, by viewing the Invites > History page.

Q - What happens if a 'Whoops Gremlins!' message appears during a test session?
A - If you lose a network or web connection during a test session, an error message might display. This sometimes happens as you move between questions. Click the back button once to return to the previous screen and wait for a few seconds. The test session should resume as normal.

Q - I am seeing one or more error messages onscreen during a test session, when I navigate between questions. This is not caused by loss of web connection. What else could it be?
A - If the same question has been assigned in a test more than once, this can cause an error message to display. Check to make sure that you have not duplicated the same question in one or more modules. (Quick tip: when assigning questions to modules, use a single mouse-click. A double-click can cause the same question to display twice).

Q - I can't answer the 'order list' questions in my test session because the drag & drop feature isn't working. Why not?
A - We support the following browsers: IE8, IE9, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari. We are aware that the 'order list' type questions occasionally cannot be completed in IE6 or IE7. There is an easy workaround. Simply log out of the session, then copy and paste the original invite link into one of the other browsers listed (or use the 'Resume Test' tool in the Invites > History page of your dashboard). Enter your user details and click the 'Resume' button to log back in to the session (all existing answers will be saved). Complete the remaining question(s) and click 'Finish', then click the link to view the test report.

Q - If I log out of a test session, will my answers be saved?
A - Yes. All your answers will be saved if you resume a test session, at a later date.

Q - My test result did not upload correctly at the end of a test session. Can it be rescued?
A - Yes. If you lose your web connection at the end of a test session, occasionally a result will not upload to the dashboard successfully. Just raise a support ticket and the KS team will manually retrieve the score and add it to your dashboard. Your work will not be lost.

Q - How can I tell which version (ID number) of a test someone took? For example, I have two different Revit fundamentals tests, but I don’t know which one a specific user took.
A - When the invite mail goes out, the test ID is appended after the test name. Results mails also include the test name and ID number.
If you can’t locate the original test invite mail, you can track individual question ID numbers in the test report at the end of the test. Select a question ID from the report (any question will do), then go to Library > Draft Content > Draft Questions and enter the question ID number into the ‘Search Questions’ box. Hit ‘Search’ and you’ll filter the question library, to display the question which carries the relevant ID number. Click on the question name and view the green popup panel. About a third of the way down, you will see a section called ‘Used In (Modules)’ and another called ‘Used In (Tests)’. Here, you can read the ID number of the parent module and/or parent test, for that question.


Wednesday, 29 August 2012

KS Help Notes_Invites 04_Invites History

Admins can view a full list of sent invites, including test status, on the Invites > History page.

Use the account dropdown menu, to view individual accounts or all linked accounts.

Use the Filter by invite status tool to sort the view for all sent invites, into 3 groups: Not Started / In Progress / Completed.  

Search your invites by selecting the ‘Show search’ link and entering user name, test name or invite sent date in the relevant field.  Then hit the ‘Search’ button to filter your data.

Sent invites data can be exported to CSV for further analysis.

Re-send multiple invites at the same time, by selecting the relevant invite(s) using the check box(es) and clicking the Re-send invites button.

Delete multiple invites at the same time, by selecting the relevant invite(s) using the check box(es) and clicking the Delete button.

Change the expiry date for one or more invites, by selecting the relevant invite(s) using the check box(es) and clicking the Extend invites button.

Use the Resume Test Session tool, to log back into user test sessions.


KS Help Notes_Settings 07_Test UI Options

In the Settings area of the admin dashboard, there is a page called, Test UI Options.  From here, a system admin can control which additional information is made visible on the test login page and test UI.

To amend your test UI settings, go to Settings > Test UI Options and check the required boxes.

Use the Skip question tool to display a button in the test UI, which allows users to skip questions.  These display as blue squares on the Question Navigator.

Skipped questions will be flagged in the final test report.

Use the Request training tool to display a button in the test UI, which allows users to request further training for particular questions.  

Questions with training requests will be flagged in the final test report.

On the Results > Data page, admins can select the Training requests button to display a list of users who have requested training during their test session.

Admins can select the Export training requests to CSV button to create a summary of users who have requested training, and the related questions they flagged during their test session.

Check the ‘Display user data capture pages’ box if you want to display the additional user information capture screens, at the start and end of a test session.

If you have two or more accounts, you can assign settings changes across multiple accounts at the same time, by clicking on the 'Show linked accounts' link in the orange bar and checking the relevant boxes.


KS Help Notes_Settings 06_Resources

In the Settings area of the admin dashboard, there is a page called, Resources.  Here, we'll be displaying a range of help guides, useful documents and links, which KS admins can use to learn all about the various features and functions of the KS system.

Admins can upload their own documents and links, in the 'Your Resources' section.

Further down the Resources page, there is a FAQ section, with answers to the most commonly posed questions, about the KS tools and assessments.


KS Help Notes_Settings 05_Reminders

KS admins now have the option of creating a number of reminder mails for users.  These include: Send candidate reminder email (select 1-31 days), Repeat reminder mail, Copy admin on reminder mails, Alert admin on test completion and Alert admin if expiry date passes without test completion.

To set your reminders, go to Settings > Reminders and check the required boxes.

Admins can choose to send a generic system mail, or write a custom message, using the space provided.  To revert to the default KS reminder text, at any time, simply delete the custom text from the Email Message box.

If you have two or more accounts, you can assign settings changes across multiple accounts at the same time, by clicking on the 'Show linked accounts' link in the orange bar and checking the relevant boxes.


Tuesday, 28 August 2012

KS New Release update - part 2

Here is a summary of part two of the latest KS system update.  (Part 1 of this dev hit the live site in July).  This release goes live in mid-September.


We've added a new page in the 'Settings' area of the admin dashboard, called 'Resources'.  Here, we'll be displaying a range of help guides, documents and links, which admins can use to learn all about the various features and functions of the KS system.

You can upload your own documents and links, in the 'Your Resources' section.

We've also added a new FAQ section, with answers to the most commonly posed questions, about the KS tools and live test sessions.

Invites & Invite History

We made a number of improvements to the Invites area of the dashboard, based on feedback from the last KS user group.

We added a filter to the main library drop-down menu on the 'Invites' page, which divides the list into 3 separate sections; KS Tests, Draft Tests and Published Tests.  We also added a blank field at the top of the library list, to prevent admins from accidentally sending out test invites to a 3ds Max test!  If they forget to select a test, a new advisory message pops up.

We changed the 'status' options on the Invites > History page.  Now, admins can sort the view for all sent invites, into 3 groups: Not Started / In Progress / Completed.  This data can be exported to CSV for further analysis.

We added the option to re-send or delete multiple invites at the same time.  And we included a new tool, called 'Extend invites', which allows admins to edit the expiry date of existing invites.

We also improved the logic of a couple of existing invite processes.  For example, it was previously possible to re-send invites to expired tests and also to send invites to tests with missing or incomplete modules.  Both instances now prompt a new advisory message for the system admin.


We added a new page in the 'Settings' area of the admin dashboard, called 'Reminders'.  From here, a system admin can set reminder mails for users, including the option to send repeat mails, admin updates and admin prompts for incomplete tests, upon expiry.

Admins can choose to send a generic system mail, or write a custom message, using the space provided.

Test UI

We added a new page in the 'Settings' area of the admin dashboard, called 'Test UI Options'.  From here, a system admin can choose to display two new buttons for users, which will appear in the test UI.

Use the 'Skip question' tool to display a button in the test UI, which allows users to skip questions.  These display as blue squares on the Question Navigator.

Skipped questions will be flagged in the final test report.

Use the 'Request training' tool to display a button in the test UI, which allows users to request further training for particular questions.

Questions with training requests will be flagged in the final test report.

On the Results > Data page, admins can select the 'Training requests' button to display a list of users who have requested training during their test session.

Admins can select the 'Export training requests to CSV' button to create a summary of users who have requested training, and the related questions they flagged during their test session.

Manage Content

We added the option to assign KnowledgeSmart Tests to linked accounts, using the Accounts > Manage Content page of the dashboard.  Previously, it was only possible to assign Published Tests and Published Modules, to linked accounts.

Small Changes

We added a new advisory message in the Library > Draft Tests part of the dashboard, which prompts an admin if they forget to assign any questions to modules.  Previously, it was possible to issue invites to a test with an 'empty' module, which caused an error message to display to users.

We added the test ID number to the Library > KS Tests page, the Invites > History page, the Results > Data page and in the results email.

We tidied up all linked account lists, so that each one displays A-Z as a default view.

We fixed a bug which prevented admins from editing tests and questions, when viewing child accounts from the main sub-menu drop-down.

We tidied up the formatting of invite mails, when sent using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari browsers.

We changed the logic for deleting draft tests.  Previously, admins had to delete the associated invite history, before a draft test could be removed.

This release goes live in mid-September.  We have two more small devs scheduled for Q4.  More to follow on those updates shortly..