Tuesday, 29 August 2017

New Test Title - BIM Level 2

KnowledgeSmart's skills assessment library helps AEC businesses capture evidence of individual and corporate skills capability, across a wide variety of essential technical software titles and business processes.

This includes popular software products from major vendors, including Autodesk, Bentley Systems, Graphisoft, Oracle, Adobe and Microsoft.

One of the most popular requests in recent months has been to create new assessment content for BIM Level 2.

This assessment looks at knowledge of BIM process and policy, across 3 key sections:

1) Understand what is BIM, the contextual requirement for BIM Level 2 and its connection to the Government Construction Strategy and Industrial Strategy 2025.

2) Understand the implications and value proposition of BIM within your organisation.

3) Understand the requirement for the management and exchange of information between supply chain members and clients as described in the 1192 suite of standards and PAS55 / ISO 55000.

The official AEC Industry BIM Learning Outcomes Framework (LOF) document can be downloaded here.

This question set enables AEC businesses to undertake a gap analysis for all staff involved in delivering projects using the Government' s published documents and tools.

Section 1 of the LOF sets out the requirement for an awareness of the industry concerns, the global context, the changes required in communication and collaboration and the relevant standards that address information requirements, contracts, team appointment, project planning, collaboration, roles and responsibilities, data security and operational information requirements.

This assessment is not intended to formally 'certify' BIM knowledge. Rather, to help clarify the understanding of 'why' we should work in this manner and what is needed at project and company levels in order to reduce waste and increase efficiency. This will help to identify further training needs and ensure the project delivery has all the aspects of project management that it needs to succeed.

Applicable to company directors through to project delivery teams, this question set is an ideal start to your BIM implementation business success.

This set of questions has been written in partnership with our friends at Evolve Consultancy and digital green.