Thursday 7 April 2011

Logging in to the KS system

OK, this might seem like a pretty basic task, but we thought it was worth documenting for new users of the KS system.  How do admins access and log in to the KS system?

Here's how..

Step one
Go to the KS website homepage and click on the CUSTOMER LOGIN link, top right.

Step two
This takes you to the KS admin dashboard landing page.  Here is the direct link:

Step three

To access your KS admin dashboard, click on the ADMIN DASHBOARD LOGIN link, just under the KnowledgeSmart logo.

Enter your administrator username and password, in the grey box and hit the Log In button.

And that's it!  The first page you will see is the KS test list, which lists all of the 'off the shelf' tests on your account.

Here are a couple of additional things to be mindful of.  First, when you are assigned your initial password by the KS system, it is generated by a software program.  Consequently, it is a random series of characters and numbers.  When you first log in to your dashboard, we suggest you change your system generated password, to one of your own choosing.  Here's how..

Hit the Change password link, top right of your dashboard homepage.  Copy & paste your system password in the first box.  Enter your own password in box 2 and repeat in box 3.  Then hit the Change password button - and you're done!

If you forget or lose your KS password, you have the option to re-set the password at any time.  Go to the login page, hit the ADMIN DASHBOARD LOGIN link and click the Forgot details? link at the footer of the grey box.

This takes you to the password re-set page.  Type in your username and hit Submit.  You will be sent a new password to your registered email address.

Lastly, a word about the difference between the 'CADsmart' database and the 'KnowledgeSmart' system.  You'll notice that there is a separate link called 'CADsmart Login', at the footer of the KS dashboard landing page.  This link takes you to the login page for legacy CADsmart users.  It is an entirely separate system and should not be confused with the login routine for the KnowledgeSmart tools.  The CADsmart system has a separate account number and password combination.  If you attempt to login to the CADsmart system using your KS username and password, you won't get very far.  So don't try! :)

Conversely, you can't access a CADsmart dashboard with your KS credentials!


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