Thursday 24 March 2011

Creating and editing KS modules

When building a KS test, we usually group questions by topic into modules.  Modules can be deployed individually as a short test, or, in turn, they can be linked together (in what we refer to as a 'daisy-chain') to create a longer test.

Let's take a brief look at the module creation journey.  We have built an intuitive, 3-step process, for writing and editing test modules.

To edit an existing KS module, first hover your mouse over the 'Edit module' button, in the 'Your Modules' page of your admin dashboard.

Note that a small pop-up menu appears to the left of the 'Edit module' icon.  This menu allows you to skip straight to the relevant step of the edit process, depending on the change you want to make.

Step one
is where you enter the module name and a brief description of the key features being covered by the module.

Step two is where you assign questions from your library, to be grouped together according to topic.  Use the green '+' icon, to add questions to your module.  Conversely, you can remove questions by selecting the delete icon next to the question name, in the 'Your questions' panel on the right of your dashboard.

Step three is where you assign your meta tags, or keywords, to each module.  Category tags are used to help you search and group your modules, back in your main library.

When you have finished creating or editing your modules, you can view a complete summary of all the key elements for each module, by clicking on the module name, back in 'Your Modules'.  This displays a green popup summary box - what we refer to as the module 'footprint'.

The KS system is very flexible.  Administrators can move questions around between modules and move modules around between tests.  You can use the KS content, 'off the shelf' (completely unchanged), you can edit the KS content and you can create test material from scratch.  Then use a blend of all this material, to build your own skills assessments for your firm.

Next, we'll look at the process for creating and editing KS tests.


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